The psychology of power with special guest Karen Amlin

In this fifth episode in the series on organisational power, the 11th Thing Podcast focuses on the ‘psychology of power’ with special guest, author, coach and consultant, Karen Amlin. The episode specifically examines how people experience the impact of power through the behaviours and practice of their superiors, peers and subordinates. In doing so it highlights the fact that, behind every action is a mindset that is informed by attitudes, beliefs and values that are often hard-wired into each individual as well as the organisations that employ them.

Drawing on her years of coaching experience, Karen Amlin, shares insights on the benefits for organisations that carefully cultivate psychologically safe working environments, as well as the lasting damage that can be done, when they do not. It is not to be missed.


Power dynamics with special guest Dr Brian Johnson


Power structures with special guest Dr Chara Willaford